| 1. | Approved pooled investment fund 核准汇集投资基金 |
| 2. | Each constituent fund will , indirectly , bear the fees and charges of the approved pooled investment funds in which it invests 费用及支出附注每财政年度首四个转换指示将免费办理,其后每个指示收取$ 200 。 |
| 3. | C indirect allotment of units by the approved pooled investment funds apifs to the cfs under the mpf schemes through the fund managers ; and C由核准汇集投资基金透过基金经理间接将单位分配给强积金计划的成分基金以及 |
| 4. | The investment manager expects such fees and charges to be 1 % p . a . to 1 . 5 % p . a . of the net asset value of such underlying approved pooled investment funds 每一成分基金将间接承受其投资之核准汇集投资基金之收费,预测约为年率1 %至1 |
| 5. | Where a constituent fund invests in an approved poold investment fund managed by the investment manager and where the trustee acts as trustee , no management fee or trustee fee will be charged on such approved pooled investment fund 5 % ;而投资于由投资经理管理及由受托人担任信托人之核准汇集投资基金将无须支付该基金之管理及受托人费用。 |
| 6. | The other constituent funds will invest in a range of approved pooled investment funds approved by the mandatory provident fund schemes authority in order to enjoy the benefits of more diversification of investment risks and the professional services of more investment experts 其馀成分基金皆为投资组合管理基金,其资产将投资于经强制性公积金计划管理局核准之汇集投资基金,使投资更分散,风险更减低,亦可享受更多富经验的基金公司服务。 |